Holy Father Speaks on Palestine
The official text of Pope Paul’s apostolic exhortation “concerning the increased needs of the Church in the Holy Land.”
The official text of Pope Paul’s apostolic exhortation “concerning the increased needs of the Church in the Holy Land.”
One of the most frequent requests that AMEU receives is for a “brief history of the Middle East Conflict.” This article by Senator James Abourezk answers this need.
Analyzes how and why the Rogers Plan for peace in the Middle East failed, and why the Mobil Oil Company ad in The New York Times titled “The U.S. Stake…
In 1973, it was estimated that there were some 9-million Christians in the “Arab East.” Author Humphrey Walz noted: “To many Christians in the West ... it’s downright startling that…
Author traces American Jewry’s support for the Zionist Jewish State since 1948.