She was “a treasure,” according to Sen. Patrick Leahy, who had her as a teacher in high school.

Sister Miriam—it was always Sister Miriam or Miriam despite her PhD—also taught Religious Studies at Trinity College in Burlington, Vermont where, it was said,  no classroom could contain her clamor for justice.  

She founded Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel and for many of her 88 years she penned  voluminous letters and essays to editors and public officials.  She did not hide her light under a bushel.

When we invited her to join our National Council, she joyfully accepted—but with one request: Would you be able to add RSM after my name?

Sister Miriam died on Jan. 17 of this year, one month shy of her 70th anniversary as a member of the Religious Sisters of Mercy, a group of Catholic women who vow to serve the less fortunate.

—  John Mahoney

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