Naseer H. Aruri, 1934—2015

Dr. Naseer Aruri authored our May-June 1985 feature article “The Middle East on the U.S. Campus.”  Following news of his death on Feb. 10, I reread his article.  Thirty years later, it is, if anything, even more relevant today than when he wrote it.

Dr. Aruri served on the faculty of the University of Massachusetts—Dartmouth for 33 years, was founder and twice president of the Association of Arab-American University Graduates, and a three-term member of the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, U.S.A.

His lifetime aim was to promote a solution to the Palestine/Israel catastrophe based on the establishment of one democratic state in historic Palestine in which all its citizenry, regardless of ethnicity or faith, are free and equal.  To that end he dedicated his prolific academic and activist career.

Our condolences go out to his wife Joyce and their four children, Faris, Karen Leila, Jamal and Jay Hatem.

—John F. Mahoney

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